Robert Downey Jr. Confirms Iron Man 4 beyond Avengers: Age of Ultron

During an appearance on Ellen earlier this afternoon, Robert Downey Jr. let the cat out of the bag, confirming that there will be in fact another Iron Man film. Downey has been playing the character since the first Iron Man film in 2008. Robert Downey has been denying all plans for Iron Man 4 since the previous Iron Man film including a segment this morning on the Howard Stern show, but now as he claims there will be a fourth installment but he and Marvel are still in negotiations.

Here’s the clip in which Robert Downey Jr. makes the announcement:

A lot of very interesting speculation has surfaced the web recently, (potential spoilers) including some which suggest several of the original Avengers will be phased out as the actor’s contracts become expired, leaving Iron Man to find a new team to assemble in time for Avengers 3. These speculations seem rather far out and unlikely, but the announcement of the character living beyond Age of Ultron surprises many fans.

Either way, the fact that a new Iron Man is on the way sounds pretty interesting especially following the events of the previous Iron Man film. This also confirms that the character will stick round after Avengers: Age of Ultron later this year. I personally felt that Iron Man 3 wrapped up the film series quite nicely. What do you think? Do you think Iron Man 4 is a good idea?

UPDATED: Just hours after his appearance on Ellen, Downey backtracked his comments earlier that day on an appearance on Late Night With David Letterman and declared that there were “no plans for an Iron Man 4”. When Letterman asked RDJ if he’s seen any of the script to the potential film, Downey replied “there is no script for an Iron Man 4 and there are none in the works.” Robert Downey Jr. continues to troll the internet continuously  contradicting everything he says.

Video of RDJ’s Letterman appearance:

Thanks for leaving us confused Tony!



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