The Best of Walt Disney World Live Entertainment

Walt Disney World is well-known for many different things, ranging from it’s first class attractions to it’s scrumptious dining and it’s magical meet and greets, but one thing that Walt Disney World is superior for is it’s incredible live entertainment. I’ve been to Walt Disney World so many times that I’ve already lost count, and…

The Little Mermaid 50 Day Art Challenge: Week 7

Welcome back to another installment of The Little Mermaid 50 Day Art Challenge, where contributor Zach Kenny gives insight to the creation of The Little Mermaid and beyond through his artwork. Be sure to check out the previous installments as well.   Zach Kenny- Like last week, we’re still covering the events after the movie. This week will be…

The Little Mermaid 50 Day Art Challenge: Week 6

Our pal Zach Kenny is back with the sixth installment of The Little Mermaid 50 Day Art Challenge, leading up to the 25th anniversary of The Little Mermaid. If you missed it, be sure to check out the previous installments. Without further introduction, here’s Zach with new artwork celebrating the film’s development.  Zachary Kenny- At this point in The…

The Little Mermaid 50 Day Challenge: Week Five

Zachary Kenny- For week 5, we’ll be taking a look at the best aspect of the film; the music. Yes, the story, animation & characters are great, but admit it, the fantastic music is what probably what you remember the most. (I’ll also be discussing the Broadway versions of the songs, to save from when we talk…

The Little Mermaid 50 Day Challenge: Week Four

Welcome back to another installment of The Little Mermaid 50 Day Challenge where each week Zachary Kenny takes us behind-the-scenes at the creation of Disney’s animated classic through his artwork. Without further ado, take it away Zach!  Zachary Kenny-Four weeks down. Three to go! This week’s gonna be a large toss-up. One half will focus on the locations/settings &…

The Little Mermaid 50 Day Challenge: Week Two

Welcome back to week two of Zachary Kenny’s 50 Day Artwork Celebration of The Little Mermaid! Zach takes us even deeper into the behind the scenes process of the creation of the Little Mermaid through his artwork once again today in another exciting installment of this celebration!  Zachary Kenny- Welcome back, everyone. Hope you enjoyed the…

111 Awesome Disney Songs, Part 4

Ryan Dosier – Hello, Disney fans! First off, an apology for the lack of updates to this series lately. I just moved across the country, so my life has been hectic as all get out. But I’ve found some time to settle in and listen to some of my favorite Disney music and continue 111 Awesome…

Disney Fan Art Showcase: Brittany Myers Part 2

Last week we showcased some of the beautiful and wonderful artwork from Disney fan Brittany Myers. We’re once again super excited to share more of Brittany’s fantastic art pieces, including art from films like Frozen, Tangled, Brave, and more! Be sure to check out Brittany’s website to see more of her artwork. Without further ado,…

Disney Fan Art Showcase: Brittany Myers Part 1

Today we’re really excited to showcase some truly incredible pieces of artwork illustrated by the incredibly talented Disney fan artist Brittany Myers. Be sure to check out Brittany’s website to see even more fantastic artwork! We’ll be spotlighting Brittany’s wonderful Disney artwork in a special two-part fan spotlight series. Be sure to check back soon for…

Disney Animation Reviews #28 – The Little Mermaid

Disney Movie Review: 28/53 – The Little MermaidRyan Dosier – I’ve finally made it through the relatively low point in Disney history that started after The Jungle Book and have come out on the other side to see The Little Mermaid (1989). This is clearly the start of a brand new animated renaissance for Disney and animation…

Double Review: Sebastian’s Caribbean Jamboree & Sebastian’s Party Gras

John Viaes- The 1970’s and 1980’s were two dark decades for Disney animation. The studio was struggling after Walt Disney has passed away in 1966. Most of their newest animated films would turn out to be either commercial or critical failures. A light shined on the animation world in 1989 with the release of Disney’s 28th…

Michael Wermuth’s Ten Favorite Disney Villains

Michael Wermuth, Jr. – Many of the animated Disney and Pixar shows have great villains, and today I present my list of the top ten Disney villains. Oh, and I must warn you that most of these entries contain spoilers. 10. The Big Bad Wolf, from “The Three Little Pigs” shorts  The Big Bad Wolf…